Blogs about relationship advice


What does it take to have a conscious REALationship™? Defining REALationship Relationship is defined as: re·la·tion·ship [ri-ley-shuhn-ship] -noun 1. a connection, association, or involvement. 2. connection between persons by blood or marriage. 3. an emotional or other connection between people. 4. a sexual involvement; affair. A REALationship™ focuses the REALity in the relationship. 3 keys to A REALationship™ are: HUGGING. The Physical nature of a REALationship™. TALKING. The Mental nature of a REALationship™. BEING. The Spiritual nature of a REALationship™. (loving, communicating, living) HUGGING is the physical nature of a REALationship™. This includes holding hands, looking each other in the eyes, kissing, caressing, and making love. This may seem obvious but too often we overlook...

I learned early on in life that every person I loved was sure to disappoint me somewhere along the yellow brick road. This was proven to me, even more so, in love relationships. The first few months are like living in La La Land. It’s falling in love, somewhere over the rainbow, in a land of unrealistic hope. It’s like cruising along on the good ship lollipop. However, things don’t stay that way. In a relationship, two people are bound to cross the threshold into Reality Land. This is where one’s true colors shine through and where many of my relationships ended. It...

Dr. Eris, Why can’t I let go of my dad cheating on my mom after so many years?  Am I making excuses for my past bad behavior? I’m smart about why my relationships don’t work???? Sometimes I am lazy about not wanting to do the work it takes to hold the relationship together. And I have trust issues. I usually sabotage situations because I don’t deal with rejection well. I always think relationships should be easy, and not so much work. I currently have been sabotaging all of my relationships. I was in a very unhappy marriage for 13 years. I was the cheater in the marriage–separated now 3 years. The hubby was a workaholic...

Even though many relationships end up in break-ups or divorce, that doesn’t mean that yours has to. There are many relationships that last 30, 40, and even 50+ years. I have worked with many clients who were separated or on the brink of getting divorced who succeeded at turning things around. Even I have gotten to the point with Clayton where I thought that it was time for things to end. However, before I did that I wanted to “walk my talk” and use the tools that have helped so many of my clients. And it worked! The good news is that if it worked for...

Dr. Eris,  I get sex once a month if I am lucky and will be married a year in July. My husband wants to divorce me because he thinks I lied about how much I owed on my student loans, which at the time I told him the amount that I believed it to be, and I wasn’t far off. He keeps on insisting that I am lying. Our marriage has been declining each month ever since we got married. I even think he cheated because of a certain situation that is hard to deny with evidence of a missing condom from...

First things first – there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Expecting one will not only drive you to insanity, it will keep you alone. Following these do’s and don’ts can enhance the relationship you are in. DON’TS: 1. Don’t think that you can fix your partner. The only person that you can fix is yourself. 2. Don’t try and change your partner. This is an impossible task. You are powerless over people, places and things. 3. Don’t take away what your partner loves to do most. If your mate loves to watch football with the boys, buy him a case of...