Blogs about infidelity


Dr. Eris, Why can’t I let go of my dad cheating on my mom after so many years?  Am I making excuses for my past bad behavior? I’m smart about why my relationships don’t work???? Sometimes I am lazy about not wanting to do the work it takes to hold the relationship together. And I have trust issues. I usually sabotage situations because I don’t deal with rejection well. I always think relationships should be easy, and not so much work. I currently have been sabotaging all of my relationships. I was in a very unhappy marriage for 13 years. I was the cheater in the marriage–separated now 3 years. The hubby was a workaholic...

Dr. Eris, My husband and I have been married nearly 5 years. He was in the military and suffers from severe PTSD. We would argue constantly and he has moved out several times over the last 5 years.  The last time he moved out, I began seeing my ex. At the time I was seeing the ex, my husband had filed for divorce and was downright nasty to me. In my mind, we were separated, going through a divorce process that I did not initiate, therefore I felt justified in my decision to pursue my ex.  Fast forwarding several months, I’d broken things...